CISAISI 2008 (Congreso Internacional Sud-Americano de Ingeniría de Sistemas, Computación e Informática 2008), is an International Latin American event of Systems Engineers, Computing and Informatics. This event is on its XII edition and it will be in Arequipa – Perú, from the 6 to the 10th of October, at Universidad Católica de Santa María – UCSM, which is the University where I’ve studied.

This event was created to do courses and debates, give conferences and summit scientific work. On the present edition of the CISAISI 2008, a new feature has been added, which is the “Poster Contest”, that allows young people, such as students, to summit any scientific work they are working on, related to Informatics.

On this edition, I summited my Thesis as a paper for this “Poster Contest”. This means that I’ll be presenting my Thesis (“Designing a Model to Implement High Availability Web Servers”), and talk about it during the event. This event is very important because many people from different cities around Latin America are going to be present. This is a good chance to promote Ubuntu in Cluster utilization, since my Thesis was done creating clusters in Ubuntu. This will show to many people that Linux, and specially Ubuntu, is a powerful OS to create High Availability Clusters. This will also introduce DRBD to the Latin American Market.

So, whish me luck!! :).

Brainstorm Idea Support

As you may know, I applied for JJ UDS Sponsorship. I think that today was the last that people could summit their ideas. But, people can still support them I guess. Since I have been pretty busy the past few days, I just got some time to explain my ideas a little more.

My first idea is Centralized Cluster Administration. This idea is related to the creation of an application that will help us implement and manage LVS Based Clusters. I got this idea because, as you may know, I did my thesis about Designing a Model to Implement High Availability Web Servers using LVS based clusters.

My second idea is Ubuntu Centralized Image Installation/Recovery/Backup. This idea is related to the creation of an application that will help us install Ubuntu from a centralized server on a LAN, similar to what RIS is. It will also allow us to create images, and be able to recover them and create backups, and so on.

So, if you think they are good ideas, it would be great to have your support. Thanks :).

Back On Track

After a few weeks of being very very busy… I finally have finished most of the things I had to do and finally have some time to continue contributing to Ubuntu.

The first thing I’ve done, is to add some ideas to brainstorm and apply for JJ UDS Sponsorship. My Ideas are the following:

Now, as you may know, translations are open again so let’s start translating.

And finally, I need to request my MOTU mentorship again, since I had to leave it while I was busy… so during this week… I might be restarting my Mentorship Process.

For those who have been waiting me to finish the article of DRBD/NFS and DRBD/MySQL… I will post it soon :).

Btw, if someone who works in FIU (Florida International University) gets to read this, and is willing to help me with information in admissions/assistanships (MS in Telecommunications & Networking or Computer Science) and stuff like that, please contact me or leave me your contact information. Thanks :).

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